Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pumpkin Experiment

Here is our baking soda and vinegar experiment! Obviously a big hit with 5-6 year olds! :)

Today we compared pumpkins of different sizes. We made guesses of their height, weight, circumference, and if they would float. Boy were they surprised about the floating! Then, we checked  to see if a jack-o-lantern would float. We had a lot of fun with our discoveries. I hope they are able to share their learning with you, too!

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

Thank you to Mrs. Bradley for donating the many different pumpkins to our class, including a small pumpkin for each child! We had so much fun exploring these pumpkins! We scooped out the seeds and counted them, we painted pumpkins, we wrote describing words about pumpkins, and we followed directions on a 100 chart to make a pumpkin. After all of that fun, we went outside with our small jack-o-lantern to do a little experiment. We added food coloring, baking soda, and vinegar to our pumpkin to watch it fizz and foam through the mouth of our pumpkin! They loved it! I tried to upload a video with no success, so we will have to enjoy photos for now. :)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Character Dress Up Day

We had so much fun dressing up like our favorite story characters. At the end of the day we went on a parade through several classrooms to show off our costumes. It was a great day!